…education in its essence is the cultivation of the human mind. Education consists in the growth of understanding, insight, and ultimately some wisdom. These growths require mature soil. Only in mature soil, soil rich with experience, can ideas really take root.
Mortimer J. Adler
Forever Learning Institute has been in existence for over 50 years and provides a unique opportunity to engage seniors by continuing to expand their knowledge and serve their community. Our courses are taught by an all-volunteer faculty and cover topics such as dance, music, foreign languages, history and political science, creative arts, literature, spirituality, health and wellness, technology and computers, and business.
As our society ages, programs such as ours fill a much-needed void in senior adult life, providing intellectual stimulation, social interaction, spiritual reflection, and physical activities for a largely ignored population. Education and participation in intellectual pursuits should not end at high school or college, but continue throughout our lives. Forever Learning offers our aging community members an opportunity to pursue intellectual challenges with other seniors throughout the community.
Forever Learning is currently housed in the Parish Center of St. Therese Little Flower Catholic Church. We lease office space, 7 classrooms, a full gymnasium and kitchen.
Forever Learning Institute was founded in 1974, under the direction of Fr. Louis Putz, C.S.C., who believed in the importance of challenging educational classes for the older adult population. A retired professor from the University of Notre Dame, Fr. Putz was convinced that a school could succeed making use of volunteer instructors from higher educational institutions in the South Bend area. Today, Forever Learning is continuing to serve seniors and flourish as the most successful senior educational program in the area.
Forever Learning typically conducts two 10-week semester each year. Our Fall semester begins the first full week following Labor Day. Our Spring semester begins the first full week of March. In recent years we have held smaller semesters during the collar seasons for students and instructors wishing to continue their studies.
We are very proud to say that we have remained true to our mission and FLI has continued to serve seniors and flourish as the most successful senior educational program in the Michiana area. Our fall 2019 semester was Forever Learning’s largest yet, offering 116 courses and serving over 1,000 students and instructors.