Forever Learning's Board of Director's has decided to commit an endowment to the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County, creating a fund that will continue to support Forever
Learning for decades to come
The Community Foundation continually invests gifts they receive from individuals and organizations to improve the quality of life for all the county's citizens.
According to Board President Paul Stevenson, these funds provide permanent support to FLI for years to come, helping to sustain the programming that makes our community a better place year after year.
“Endowments with the Foundation helps to support their efforts in providing grants, scholarships and leadership initiatives, such as the Senior Living Initiative addressing quality of life issues for local seniors,” Paul said.
The opportunity to join the Community Foundation has long been a goal of Forever Learning, but it was with an unexpected gift from a former student that made it suddenly possible.
Richard R. Heisman, a former student of Forever Learning passed away on May 16, 2018. In his estate, he designated one of his retirement funds to benefit FLI. That fund, coupled with previous funds designated for an endowment, allowed the Board of Directors to make this step. The Community Foundation holds endowments from organizations such as FLI, and invests the funds, promising each donor organization dividends each year. Among its many other benefits, The Foundation also hosts a Day of Giving every few years, in which local residents and businesses donate to member charities.
“It’s a win/win,” says FLI Treasurer Joe Mancini. “Forever Learning funds improve the quality of life throughout the community, and the community, in turn, supports Forever Learning. We couldn’t be more pleased that the Board of Directors approved this historic move.”